Bilibo by MOLUK A turtle shell. A sand scooper. A water bucket. A rescue helmet. A hero mask. A wobbly, spinning seat. A stool. A stepping stone. A cradle for dolls. A snowman mold. A giant cereal bowl. An... MSRP: Was: Now: $32.99 - $36.99 Choose Options
Box N Balls Pick one of the challenges printed on the sides of the boxes and arrange the boxes accordingly. Can you toss and bounce one of the 8 bouncy balls just right to get it into the goal? Each challenge... MSRP: Was: Now: $39.99 Add to Cart
Bugzzle Young ones are abuzz with puzzle-solving excitement! Pick one of the 40 challenge cards and then arrange, flip, and perfectly position the semi-circular puzzle pieces into the bug-shaped tray to... MSRP: Was: Now: $29.99 Add to Cart
Coggy Get your mental gears spinning with this bending, clicking, shape-shifting brainteaser! Moving from one challenge card to the next, it's up to you to fold this connected collection of sixteen... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.99 Add to Cart
Dimpl Little fingers can't resist these beautiful buttons! Built safely into the sturdy ABS plastic frame are five vibrant silicone bubbles in varying sizes and colors. It's so simple, yet oddly, so... MSRP: Was: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart
Dimpl Clutch Dimpl Clutch features a dimpl bubble on one end and squishy silicone textures on the other. There's green with bumps, yellow with circles, blue with lines... so much for the fingers to explore!... MSRP: Was: Now: $11.99 Add to Cart
Dimpl Stack The top of each cup features a squishy silicone bubble embossed with a unique texture pattern. Little fingers will love to touch, push, and pop them again and again. Meanwhile, its unique... MSRP: Was: Now: $22.99 Add to Cart
Door Pong It's ping pong without the table! Attach the clamp to the top of any doorway, turn the dial to adjust the length of the string, and then serve up hours of active fun. Your goal is to hit the ball... MSRP: Was: Now: $32.99 Add to Cart
FoosBots 2 pack Spin, kick, score!Roll o ut one of the silicone goal lines onto your side of the table, then grab your Foosbot. When you squeeze its arms, it spins to kick the ball FAST. Can you get the ball past... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.99 Add to Cart
FoosBots Series 3 When you squeeze its arms, it spins to kick the ball FAST. Can you get the ball past your opponent's goal while letting nothing past yours? Play anywhere. Turn your surroundings into trick shots... MSRP: Was: Now: $12.99 Choose Options
InnyBin The six chunky shape blocks are each designed with fascinating textures that are sure to thrill the fingers. There's a cube, a diamond, a sphere, a triangle, a flower, and the happy Fat Brain logo..... MSRP: Was: Now: $32.99 Add to Cart
Jixelz Up in the Air 1500 pc Classic puzzle fun becomes an adventure in pixelated creativity! Following the included templates, kids have a blast piecing together the 1500 vibrant, precision-cut micro jigsaw pieces to create a... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.99 Add to Cart
OombeeBall A 2020 Toy of the Year Finalist! Matryoshka with a modern twist. Each colorful ball is uniquely textured with fascinating dots, lines, and swirls. Meanwhile, short, safe tethers keep them all... MSRP: Was: Now: $29.99 Add to Cart
OombeeCube Grab, explore, sort, and discover! Little hands are immediately drawn to the six vibrant, textured, rubbery, tethered shapes. Explore their contours, give them a squeeze, and feel their textures -... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.99 Add to Cart
PipSquigz Loops Little explorers cannot help but get sucked into the sensory excitement of these bendy, rattly, chewy, suction-cup creations! Their vivid textures instantly inspire little fingers to grab and feel... MSRP: Was: Now: $14.99 Choose Options
PlayTab Modular Activity Board PlayTab is a modular sensory toy that lets you build a unique experience packed with fine motor challenges, visual fascination, cause-and-effect discoveries, and more. Grab the board and then choose... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 - $17.99 Choose Options
Plip Grips Grab, pull, POP! Each of these three silicone links is sized just right for little hands, is covered with a fascinating texture to explore, and features a ball-and-socket connection that's fun to... MSRP: Was: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart
Pretendables Lemonade Time Set Kids can set up the perfect lemonade stand right in the playroom! There's a hook-and-loop lemon to cut in half, a pitcher, pretend ice cubes that are crystal clear, a set of three glasses, lemon... MSRP: Was: Now: $39.99 Add to Cart
Pretendables School Set Class is in session! On the outside of the portable school desk are a magnetic blackboard, two built-in utensil cups, and a stand for the learning cards. Open it up and you'll find a magnetic... MSRP: Was: Now: $39.99 Add to Cart
Quubi Each edge is connected by elastic bands to allow little hands to bend it and twist it this way and that. Meanwhile, the rubbery textured beads spin and slide for an extra boost of sensory fascination... MSRP: Was: Now: $17.99 Add to Cart
Rolio The colorful textured pegs move in and out as the cylinder rolls on its soft silicone tires. It's amazingly fun to watch. The textures are fascinating for little fingers to feel. The pegs rattle... MSRP: Was: Now: $14.99 Add to Cart
Spill Again Fill the top of the tower with the 16 colorful balls and then press the button. A hidden timer starts ticking away until suddenly... CLICK. All the balls are dropped at once to be sent rolling in all... MSRP: Was: Now: $49.99 Add to Cart
Spin Again It's a stacking toy with a spin—literally! Drop the vibrant discs onto the threaded corkscrew pole and go ooooh as they spin fast and smooth to settle onto the reversible base. Choosing how to... MSRP: Was: Now: $34.99 Add to Cart
Suction Kupz Each of these six colorful, squishy cups features a suction cup on the bottom, a suctioning brim at the top, plus endless creative-play possibilities all around. Bring them in the tub for scooping,... MSRP: Was: Now: $27.99 Add to Cart